“We are in the
presence of an artist who thinks about and reflects on painting with a
developed sensibility that has no need to look back to models no matter how
important which do not belong naturally to the work. Instead the artist produces new ones which
are, above all, personal and original…”
“The surprising thing
in the work is precisely the ease with which Griskenas
handles materials and colors which are brilliant or transparent or opaque. At the same time what is striking is the
absolute and rigorous control in the definition of form and space which rather
than inhibition opens up a free fantasy to visibility.”
Vitaliano Angelini
“Urbino-Arte, arte, cultura e conoscenza”
Urbino, 2006-08-15
“The elegance of
composition and perfect execution was overpowering…I was struck by the mastery
and originality of this artist’s own voice.”
Michaela Vitri, Critic-at-Large
TELE 2000